Hello! I have decided to do a podcast! Welcome to All Booked Up! My hope is to give Indie Authors a place to discuss their upcoming releases, ARC & Beta Opportunities, and discuss their writing process. What sets me apart from other book podcasts is that I'm not just going to discuss big name books and other books that everyone has heard of. I want to give Indie Authors the exposure needed to get their name out there. If you happened to stumble upon my blog and you're an Indie Author, you can use the form down below to email me your name and other things so we can get setup for your interview. I will also link my Author Interview Google Form if you'd rather fill that out than email me. Once I get everything set up come back to this page on my blog and I will have everything linked. This includes episodes, where they're streaming, who is going to be featured on my blog, etc.! So, keep an eye out for all that. Everything will be posted on my social medias as well! If you're not following me already, I have all of my social media linked in the Contact page of my blog!